How I got here.

For as long as I can remember, I have been a voracious reader, always searching for more adventures. On one of those searches, I happened upon D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths. It was a collection of stories and characters I would keep returning to, grow to love and learn everything I could about. 

I realized the possibility of building my own mythical worlds sometime in elementary school, when my grandmother was working on her fantasy YA novel, Journey to Mythaca. I created Namthgar, a creative sandbox for exploring plots, characters, and game ideas. 

For a long time, I thought my passion for building worlds and creating adventures would manifest in writing long-form fiction. But after an adolescent crisis of sorts—as amy interests shifted to a love of tabletop role-playing games, live-action role play, and open world video games—I realized that passion would better express itself through game design.



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